

Macadamia tree grows to about 15 meters in height. In general, it reaches maturity and begins to produce fruit at around the age of seventh year of plantation.

There are about seven species of macadamia grown in their wild natural habitat. However, only two of which are edible and cultivated in the horticulture farms around the world.

Macadamia integrifolia produces smooth-shelled nuts, whereas Macadamia tetraphylla has nuts with a rough shell.


Macadamias are an excellent source of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc. The nuts are rich source of mono-unsaturated fatty (MUF) like oleic acid (18:1) and palmitoleic acids (16:1). Studies suggest that MUF fats in the diet help lower total as well as LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood.

They contain small amounts of vitamin-A, and vitamin E. Both these fat-soluble vitamins possess potent anti-oxidant activities, which serve to protect cell membranes and DNA damage from harmful oxygen-free radicals.

The Flower


The Nut


The Plant


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Our tropical fruit tree nursery specializes in wholesale & retail tree sales across Florida. We grow rare and unusual fruiting trees, shrubs and vines from across the globe. Looking for something exotic? Well search no longer, we carry thousands of specimens to choose from.