
Soursop Fruit Trees

In Florida, the Soursop has been grown to a limited extent for possibly 110 years. They are popular because of their distinctive aromatic qualities and their suitability for processing in the form of preserved pulp, nectar and jelly.

Best growth is achieved in deep, rich, well-drained, semi-drysoil, but the Soursop tree can be and is commonly grown in acid and sandy soil, and in the porous, oolitic limestone of South Florida.

The Soursop tends to flower and fruit more or less continuously, but in every growing area there is a principal season of ripening,it begins in April in Florida.


The fruit is picked when full grown and still firm but slightly yellow-green. If allowed to soften on the tree, it will fall and crush. It is easily bruised and punctured and must be handled with care. Firm fruits are held a few days at room temperature. When eating ripe, they are soft enough to yield to the slight pressure of one’s thumb. Having reached this stage, the fruit can be held 2 or 3 days longer in a refrigerator.

The soursop, unfortunately, is a shy-bearer, the usual crop being 12 to 20 or 24 fruits per tree.

The Flower


The Fruit


The Plant


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Our tropical fruit tree nursery specializes in wholesale & retail tree sales across Florida. We grow rare and unusual fruiting trees, shrubs and vines from across the globe. Looking for something exotic? Well search no longer, we carry thousands of specimens to choose from.