Barbados Cherry

Barbados Cherry

The Barbados cherry is a large, bushy shrub or small tree attaining up to 20 ft in height and an equal breadth; with more or less erect or spreading and drooping, minutely hairy branches, and a short trunk 2 inch to 4 inch in diameter.

The Barbados cherry can be classed as tropical and subtropical, for mature trees can survive brief exposure to 28ยบ F.It is naturally adapted to both medium- and low-rainfall regions; can tolerate long periods of drought, though it may not fruit until the coming of rain.

The tree does well on limestone, marl and clay, as long as they are well drained.


In Florida, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Hawaii the fruiting season varies with the weather. There may be a spring crop ripening in May and then successive small crops off and on until December, but sometimes, if spring rains are lacking, there may be no fruits at all until December and then a heavy crop.

Barbados cherries are eaten out-of-hand, mainly by children. For dessert use, they are delicious merely stewed with whatever amount of sugar is desired to modify the acidity of the particular type available.

The Flower


The Fruit


The Plant


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